Archives - Tammy Londeree Comments on Rob Schilling and His Service on the Charlottesville City Council
April 2006
Letters to the Editor: Tammy Londeree Comments on Rob Schilling and His Service on the Charlottesville City Council
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I am concerned that Rob Schilling will repeat his passive aggressive smear campaigns of other councilors if he is re-elected. On Nov. 21, 2005, he read a letter to be entered into the minutes about his fellow council's speaking the truth in various Charlottesville media. I assume this was to make himself look like he had greater authority and/or care for of the citizens of Charlottesville than the other councilors. His mostly inaccurate account lead to Kendra Hamilton reading her own correction of Schilling's accusations [into the record].

An argument occured and the frustrated Mayor Brown had to hit his gavel to stop Mr. Schilling from disruptively stating his opinion [and] dominating the floor. Mayor Brown had to point out to Schilling that Brown's having to take the formal hitting of his gavel should not have happened; if Schilling had respected Mayor Brown's power and authority, this shameful act of correction of childish conduct would not have been utilized.

I have also watched Schilling on the news making pointed comments or accusations, sugar-coated to not appear to be making a direct accusation. He seems to not be willing to completely reveal his opinions or thoughts in fear that they would make him appear to be the aggressor instead of the helper. I do not feel that Schilling does want to make Charlottesville a better place because his actions so far have lead to his retracting of his negative statements and than repeating his negative name calling again in front of the press or Council on a later date.

Tammy Londeree (electronic mail, April 17, 2006)

Editor's Note: For more, see Email Dispute Continues, Council Says No to Ward-Based School Board Elections, and Councilor Decries Accusation.

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