Archives - Virginia Germino Writes in Support of Al Weed
April 2006
Letters to the Editor: Virginia Germino Writes in Support of Al Weed
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Woodrow Wilson once said that it is better to lose in a cause that will ultimately win than to win in a cause that will ultimately lose. It's tiresome to vote for one's second or third choice again and again because the candidate one believes in and agrees with "can't possibly win." Now that both Al and Bern have traded broadsides about the other's inability to defeat Virgil, let's say that they've canceled one piece of the stale debate about winners and losers. That leaves us free to choose the person each of us deems the best possible representative we could have in the U.S. Congress.

I support Al Weed in his campaign to unseat Virgil Goode, who is a True Loser in everything that really matters to the future of our country. I believe Al's base will stick with him, hoping that the turning of the tide against George W. Bush and his loyal minions in the damaged, exhausted, and corrupted Republican Party will sweep in more great, creative Democrats than we have dared to predict.

Virginia Germino (electronic mail, April 18, 2006)

Editor's Note: For Bern Ewert's mailing, see Democrats that Want to Win! For controversy over Al Weed's mailing, see What is Al Weed Saying About Bern Ewert?, Former Galveston Mayor Refutes Charge Against Ewert, and Galveston Adds 12 Months to Ewert's Contract.

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