Archives - Rey Barry Comments on the Fifth District Candidates
April 2006
Letters to the Editor: Rey Barry Comments on the Fifth District Candidates
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Virginia's 5th Congressional District is as thoroughly gerrymandered as the skill allows. Home Boy has always won by more than 60% and it's beyond our influence to alter that. It would be a smashing success for Ewert to win 40% of the vote or Weed 38%. That's presuming Ewert has greater name recognition down around Roanoke. (Roanoke itself isn't in the 5th.)

As to your mention that Ewert lost a nomination for Charlottesville City Council in 2002, we'd do well to remember that choosing someone else resulted in the election of Rob Schilling. I have no doubt whatever that Ewert, Fenton, or Jaquith would have beaten Schilling.

Rey Barry (electronic mail, April 19, 2006)

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