1: What's wrong?
Voice 2: I'm upset with Republican Rob Schilling!
Voice 1: Isn't he for schools and safety?
V2: Well, that's what he says. But what he says and what he does are
not the same.
- [Rob Schilling has claimed that his top priorities include working
for "higher teachers' salaries (Daily Progress, 5/8/02); has asserted
that "I will continue to look for ways to work with the School Board
to ensure that more resources find their way into our classrooms"
(announcement speech, 2/21/06); has noted that "failure is not an
option for our students" (City Council Minutes, 11/15-16/02); and
identified focus on literacy and emphasis on vocational training as his
second highest priority (City Council Minutes., 11/15-16/06). In addition,
Rob Schilling argued that City Council must "recognize that a safe
community is a top priority and prioritize its budget accordingly"
(Daily Progress, 2/22/06). In fact, Rob Schilling has not produced a single
budget proposal that accomplishes any of these stated goals, but he has
voted "NO" and the school budget and city budget every year.]
VI: What do you mean?
V2: He claims to support public education ... but did you know Rob Schilling
has voted "No" on the School budget every year, and tried to cut
funding for the renovation of Charlottesville High School?
- [CHS renovation vote (City Council Minutes, 3/24/04)]
V1: You're kidding! What about public safety?
V2: In front of the cameras he's for it, but then he votes "No"
on hiring more police officers...
- [City Council Minutes, 4/15/03]
...and he said he was proud of all his votes!
- [10th and Page candidates' forum, 3/28/06]
VI: Didn't he ever offer an alternative budget?
V2: No ... he said it wasn't his job.
- [Daily Progress: repeated assertions by Rob Schilling that he is
not a "budget expert" and that budget recommendations are not
his job.]
I mean, Rob Schilling even voted against tax rebates for homeowners hardest
hit by rising property taxes.
- [Rob Schilling voted "NO" on the Charter Amendment on
Affordable Housing that allows the city to reduce the property tax burden
on moderate income home owners (City Council Minutes, 11/21/05). Mr. Schilling,
who owns city rental property valued at over $1.3 million, has opposed
tax relief proposals that do not include rental property.]
V1: So what're you going to do?
V2: That's easy! On May 2nd I'm voting "No!" on Republican
Rob Schilling!
VO: Say YES to Charlottesville! Elect Democrats Dave Norris and Julian
DIS: Paid for by the Democratic Council Campaign, authorized by the candidates.