Archives - Julian Taliaferro: "Firefighter" TV Script
April 2006
2006 Charlottesville City Council Race: Julian Taliaferro: "Firefighter" TV Script
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Black screen, fade up image of Julian as Fire Chief.
Super-impose text: "Charlottesville Fire Chief Emeritus, Julian Taliaferro"
Music up
[Julian, voice-over]

"In 1962, I became a city firefighter…

Dissolve to multiple images: young firefighter Julian with mop; early firefighter scene; photo of Julian in Vietnam, beside Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals
Text: Military Service, 1966-1969, awarded Bronze Star and Purple Heart

…to help people."

Dissolve to multiple images: Kirby fire (BW); Reid's fire (color); Julian, head down, on pew in fire-damaged church; pan of diverse fire company
Text: "Internationally recognized fire department"

"Sometimes the job was tough, but I'm proud…

(BW) still of fire truck leaving bay-image colorizes and becomes action shot

…of what we accomplished."

Fade up to Julian talking to camera

"I've learned a lot about this city and its needs over the years.

I've learned that Charlottesville needs leaders who will bring fairness, equity, and opportunity to all our citizens.

That's why I'm running for City Council.

We need thoughtful, effective leadership-not slick rhetoric-to keep this a special place.


"I ask for your vote on May 2nd."


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