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Dear George, The real test of Mr. Bush's Presidency at this point is to do something that is absolutely anathema to any neo-conservative Republican led by Karl Rove - to actually accept blame rather than deflect blame. How will that change the plight of poor homeless New Orleanians and Gulf area victims? It will publicly relieve their suffering as victims who are also blamed for the crime. Blaming the victim is the Republicans routine policy on all matters where their leadership is in question. From their point of view they are merely distancing themselves from criticism. It's called public relations. But people over time, do not feel care for by dissemblers and their defenders - they feel ripped off. - which is appropriate because that is what they are - ripped off of the truth. Arrogantly dismissed as not being able to handle it. With Katrina we have arguable received the truth in bald, unapologetic terms. We failed this community. 100%. Every one of us. If we voted for the present leadership, we failed to examine them closely enough. If we did not vote for the present leadership, we failed to work hard enough at the critical time when the present administration should have been sent packing for its ineffectiveness. There is no blame 'game'. The blame lies with every one of us, and we know it each time we hear reports from New Orleans and realize something is terrribley wrong in our country. And if something is terrribly wrong, it is up to us as citizen to do something about it, the first chance we get. Our certain demise will be to accept the 'after the horse is out of the barn' rhetoric the Bush adminstration employed after 9/11 to equal ineffectiveness. Let's be totally clear: Mr. Bush your responsibility to have such meetings came long ago. Bandaging the plight of the poor with after thoughts and promises of future help are doing to them what was done to those suffering in the Superdome and Convention Center two weeks ago: promising help that will never come. Nothing could top this last crime with more evil than that. Let's all not fail people again by listening to such stupidity as sincere. peace,