Archives - Harry Tenney Says Wrap Bush Around Kilgore's Neck
October 2005
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Says Wrap Bush Around Kilgore's Neck
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I think the Kaine campaign would be wise to wrap Bush around Kilgore's neck.....Kilgore has supported virtually everything Bush represents.

Kilgore has not supported one piece of progressive legislation and, if his negative position on the fiscal concerns of the Commonwealth had prevailed, Virginia surely would have lost its triple-A bond rating, giving the citizens a back-door tax increase.

Just his support for abolishing the estate transfer tax should be exploited, with the current rates in effect, abolishing the estate tax would not benefit 99 1/2% of the citizenry.

I'd call that reckless!

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, October 19, 2005)

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