Archives - Harry Tenney Says George Bush is Not a Consensus Builder
November 2005
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Says George Bush is Not a Consensus Builder
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I sense that G. Bush must get some kind of a strange high from appeasing the right wing; after beating him up on his naming Harriet Miers, showing their loyalty to him clearly opaque and transient, he turns around and rewards them with a man who appears to be right of Scalia (if that is possible).

Bush's timing is anything if not amazing, he will further alienate moderates in his own party (if any) and get little support from the Democrats.

A consensus builder, he is not!

Maybe he is content with a 39% approval rating--his latest choice for the high court doesn't appear to be on track to much improve that percentage

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, November 1, 2005)

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