How many dedicated, solid-citizen school board members would we have
missed in past years IF they had had to raise money, distribute credentials,
and spend weeks campaigning for the opportunity to serve???
Many worthy issues require or thrive on politicization....schools do not.
Schools should be supported and respected by the political structure,
but their governance should be in the hands of professionals...with the
support of parents -- and the best informed and caring minds that the community
can rally.
As a supporter since 1961, a long-time Book Buddy, and former classroom
teacher in Charlottesville Schools, I'm appalled by any effort that might
politicize the School Board...a crucial community service.
Would we be replacing informed and dedicated citizens with people who may
see this as a potential ego boost OR a stepping stone to political office?
Sandy Snook (electronic mail, November 4, 2005)