Archives - Meredith Richards Says Democratic Ticket is Best for Area
November 2005
Letters to the Editor: Meredith Richards Says Democratic Ticket is Best for Area
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The election on Nov. 8 gives us a unique opportunity to have our local voices heard in Richmond. Victory for Tim Kaine, Leslie Byrne and Creigh Deeds means sending to Richmond three capable and energetic leaders who understand the issues we face here in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.

We face regional pressures of growth. Hard working families can't make ends meet. We need increased investment in our communities - for education, for job creation, for better economic infrastructure. We need a leadership team in Richmond who understand our issues and are committed to finding solutions.

As former Mayor of Richmond, Tim Kaine understands the problems faced by cities like Charlottesville. His proposal to keep local taxes affordable is a good example. He would give local governments the option to relieve the property tax burden on up to 20% of a home's assessed value while retaining the flexibility to respond to local needs. Kaine partnered with Governor Warner to create $1.2 billion new money for public schools, boosting Charlottesville's school budget by $2 million and Albemarle's by $4 million this biennium.

Leslie Byrne is another leader who understands the issues facing Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
She has been a vocal supporter of legislation to protect the working poor and those on fixed incomes. She served on transportation committees in the State Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives and understands that land use planning and transportation planning must go hand in hand. Leslie proposes giving localities tax incentives to reward smart planning for growth.

Creigh Deeds, our State Senator from Bath County, is also someone who understands our urban and suburban issues. Creigh has been a very active representative of our local interests and has authored several bills to allow Charlottesville to deal locally with issues of concern. A strong proponent of Public Safety, he introduced legislation on domestic violence and a registry for sex offenders. Creigh has a strong commitment to conservation and the environment, and was sponsor of the bill requiring cell-phone retailers to offer recycling of disused cell phones.

There are some who argue at each election that the votes of the rural counties are too many, and that they overshadow the local vote. However, demographics are now on our side. The population of Charlottesville and Albemarle County make up over 64% of the district that sent Creigh Deeds to Richmond as our Senator. Those same votes can send him to Richmond as Attorney General of the entire state.

The Democratic Party in Albemarle County has never been stronger. The hard work of the local party leadership has shown us an increased Democratic vote in the last election cycle. Charlottesville has consistently delivered healthy margins to Democratic candidates. By showing up in strength at the polls on Nov. 8, our collective votes can ensure a leadership team that knows us. Our combined votes can ensure that our voices are heard.

Meredith Richards (electronic mail, November 7, 2005)

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