Archives - David Repass Responds to Lloyd Snook on Wards for City Council
November 2005
Letters to the Editor: David Repass Responds to Lloyd Snook on Wards for City Council
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I don’t know why Lloyd Snook continues to assume that whatever method we choose for electing the School Board will also be used to elect City Council. In his recent posting he says: “Make no mistake about it -- the next battle after this one will be to have ward-based City Council elections. If we have a ridiculous ward structure for the School Board, we will be stuck with a ridiculous ward structure for City Council.”

There is no LEGAL requirement that wards be used for Council elections if the School Board has ward-based elections. The only way the Council would ever have wards in its elections would be if a majority of the Council desired to have them. This means that a majority of Council would have to be Republican. Republicans are virtually the only political activists in town who want wards for Council. I assume no one thinks the Republicans will have a majority on Council anytime soon.

David Repass (electronic mail, November 30, 2005)

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