Archives - Democratic Service Club Reborn
May 2005
JFK Club: Democratic Service Club Reborn
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Lori Shinseki, along with Frank Buck [the head of the first JFK Club] and others, is renewing the tradition of Democratic service. The goals of the JFK Club include the following: 1) to act on our core Democratic values through community service, 2) to maintain a visible role throughout the year, not just at election time, 3) to listen and learn from those we serve, and 4) to have a good time together. Projects are as family friendly as possible so children can get involved and families can serve together.

Shinseki reports that their first activity was a success: 17 people showed up to help Camp Holiday Trails on its Spring Spruce Up in April. We worked at the horse stables -- cleared rocks and debris from an entire hillside, painted fences, and cleared out a horse trail.

Washington Park Bog Garden, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 3, 2004

Their next service project will take place on Saturday, May 14, 2005 (10am - 1pm) at Washington Park in Charlottesville. We'll be assisting City Parks and Rec in cleaning up the Washington "Bog Park" -- a highly traveled area that connects upper/lower Washington Park.

Parking is available in the upper lot next to the swimming pool. Meeting place: wooden boardwalk next to toddler play area on lower part of Washington Park.

*Please bring work gloves, water and your own snacks.
*Be sure to wear shoes or boots, not sandals or flip flops. Long pants are also recommended.
*Possible chores: cleaning the wooden boardwalk (sanding, water sealing), weeding, reinstalling plant signs, cutting English Ivy off trees, picking up glass and other debris.

Washington Park, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 3, 2004

All Democrats are welcome to participate. We are short on people for this event, so please RSVP to Lori Shinseki at, or 244-3322. For more information, visit our website at: -- and click on the Calendar page.

Note: For more see also Booker T. Washington Park.

Comments? Questions? Write me at