Archives - Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry Comments About the Difference Between Vegetarianism and Vegan
May 2005
Letters to the Editor: Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry Comments About the Difference Between Vegetarianism and Vegan
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Dear George,

I understand vegetarianism (meat is definitely unhealthy, and animals don't like being raised in excrement-filled small dark cages and slaughtered) but vegan means you don't eat anything which in any way comes from an animal, right? What is the point?? As Swami Satchidanda pointed out in a book of his, do babies drink their mothers' milk? Are they cannibals? It makes no sense whatsoever. Am I missing something here?

Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry (electronic mail, May 7, 2005)

Editor's Note: For reference, see Vegetarians, Meat-Eaters and Campaign Finance. As I understand it, Dennis Kucinich was the only vegan in the 2004 race for the White House and none of the other mainstream party candidates were vegan or vegetarian. In the current race for the Democratic nomination for the Virginia 57th District House race, it is my understanding than none of the candidates are vegan or vegetarian.

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