Archives - Jan Cornell Comments on Free Speech and Freedom of Association
May 2005
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Comments on Free Speech and Freedom of Association
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Dear George,

In preparation for my current job, I asked the UVa administration just where were the freedom of speech zones at UVa (for rallies, pickets, demonstrations etc.). They told me that ALL of UVa is a freedom of speech zone.


As time went on we still get harrassed by security guards, supervisors etc. at UVa when we are recruiting for the union. EVEN though UVa is still (barely) a PUBLIC institution. The state owns the buildings at UVa, not UVa. We never bother workers while they are working or in their workplace. We talk to them outside, in breakrooms, smoking areas, and in cafeterias. STILL we get harrassed. The law is on our side but the middle manager types just don't understand FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION. I do try to educate them in a rather nice way. Too bad they aren't as nice to us as we are to them.

I would appreciate some legislation spelling out everyone's rights--unions, politicians, employers (public and private) or where in the code of Virginia I could find this stuff.

Jan Cornell (electronic mail, May 11, 2005)

President, Staff Union at the University of Virginia

Comments? Questions? Write me at