Archives - Mike Pudhorodsky Thanks Mitch Van Yahres
May 2005
Letters to the Editor: Mike Pudhorodsky Thanks Mitch Van Yahres
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I wanted to take a few minutes as we enter the primary season in full swing to remember Mitch Van Yahres. I think that even though we had the privilege to “roast” him the other night his legacy will be extremely hard to fill.

Delegate Van Yahres has been a true friend to the LGBT community, women and working families. He seems to be right on all the issues, voted against HB 751, and the Constitutional Amendment to ban Gay Marriage, has been an adamant supporter of women’s rights, and like Jan Cornell said she never worried how Delegate Van Yahres was going to vote for the working families.

I want to take this time to say something, that as constituents I do not feel we do enough, and thank Delegate Van Yahres for his years of unselfish service to the 57th district.

Mike Pudhorodsky

Editor's Note: Mike Pudhorodsky is a supporter of Kim Tingley in the race for the Democratic nomination to replace Del. Van Yahres.


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