Archives - Terri Di Cintio Responds to Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry and Uriah J. Fields
May 2005
Letters to the Editor: Terri Di Cintio Responds to Brendan Ferreri-Hanberry and Uriah J. Fields
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Dear George,

I am now fighting the urge to use profanity on your web site as I appear to be under attack by Mr. Fields and Mr. Ferreri-Hanberry.

To Mr. Fields I say that I certainly did not lambast city officials, rather I simply expressed my opinion that both the money used for this chalkboard, as well as the land it will sit upon, could be put to better use.

To Mr. Ferrar-Hanberry I say yes I do live in Charlottesville and bet I have for far longer than he. I would also remind him that I am entitled to my opinion that this chalkboard will be an eyesore - not only because of what may be written on it, but from an architectural standpoint as well. I did not provide a list of better ways to spend the money not because I cannot think of any, but because there are so many and it would be pointless since this monument is a done deal.

To both of them I say shame on you. Do you both consider yourselves constructive critics? Is attacking another person because she exercised her right to express her opinion and free speech constructive? Is that how you intend to use this chalkboard - to attack others? What unkind people you are. You are exactly why I am concerned about this chalkboard. You will note that until this email, I had not named names in my emails, but rather simply contributed to an ongoing discourse. Which, by the way, I am through doing now.

Terri Di Cintio (electronic mail, May 24, 2005)

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