Archives - Lloyd Snook says David Toscano is the Clear Choice
June 2005
Letters to the Editor: Lloyd Snook says David Toscano is the Clear Choice
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Dear Friends

I am writing to you to encourage you to join me in voting for David Toscano in the Primary on June 14th. I have known David for more than 20 years; I have known Rich Collins about as long, and I have known Kim Tingley only a few months. While I like Rich and Kim, and I appreciate their willingness to offer themselves for election, I think David is the clear choice.

There are basically two things to think about here -- substance and style. Kim and Rich have each claimed, in various ways, that he would be the most liberal candidate to send into the election. While I have read what all three of them have said about the issues, it all comes down to something of a wash for me. I agree with all three of them on about 90% of the issues, and the differences among them are frankly not great. So substance is not a very good way to make the decision.

In terms of style, David is the clear choice. Both Kim and Rich have promised to aggressively represent what they refer to as the most liberal district in the Commonwealth (a characterization that reflects either a desire for a flashy quote or an ignorance of Virginia and local politics). The problem is that whoever goes down to Richmond from here needs to be able to reach across to the Republicans and persuade 15 or 20 of them to join in any initiative he undertakes. Is the most effective person for that, in Rich's phrase, "a whup-ass liberal?" Or is it someone like David, who has demonstrated over many years an ability to work with business leaders and conservatives to get things done?

One of the things that I find most striking about David's candidacy is the fact that virtually everyone with whom he served on City Council has endorsed him. I know of no one who has served with David who has bad things to say about him. In an era of nasty, partisan rhetoric, what a refreshing change!

During his service on the Social Development Commission in the 1980's, or his twelve years on Council, we have seen in David someone who listens, who thinks, who has a clear idea of where he wants the government to go, and who gently, quietly, without bitterness, moves the government in that direction.

That is the character of the person who can get something done in Richmond.

When I vote on June 14th, I will be voting for a hard-working, honest, experienced, thoughful progressive -- David Toscano -- and I urge you to do the same.

Lloyd Snook (electronic mail, June 2, 2005)

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