Archives - Slutzky announces candidacy for Rio District seat
June 2005
2005 Albemarle County Board of Supervisors Race: Slutzky announces candidacy for Rio District seat
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"Environmentalist and sustainable development expert David Slutzky has announced his bid for the open Supervisor seat in the Rio district. David P. Bowerman, the incumbent, has announced he will not seek reelection to a fifth term. Slutzky is seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party at a district caucus that will occur tonight.

Slutzky's Background and Experience:

  • Nationally recognized expert on relationship between environmental issues and real estate development
  • Served the community as a long-time local political activist
  • Served in the White House as Senior Policy Advisor to the President's Council on Sustainable Development
  • Served as Director of the Urban Initiative at the US EPA
  • Co-owner, along with his wife, of Charlottesville based environmental consulting firm, E² Inc., a 40+ member firm specializing in environmental policy consulting, community involvement facilitation, and economic analysis
  • Faculty Member of the Urban and Environmental Planning Department at UVA
  • Holds a Juris Doctor degree in Environmental and Energy Law

What Slutzky will fight for on the Board of Supervisors:

  • Sustainable Growth: While growth is inevitable, Slutzky will fight to preserve greenspace in the growth areas, and to keep new development from disrupting existing communities. He will provide innovative, forward thinking as the Board tackles the challenges of growth while enhancing our communities.
  • Transportation: Slutzky wants the Board to rethink roads vs. transit to ensure sustainability for our community. He does not support spending $250 Million on the 6 mile western bypass
  • Excellence in education: Slutzky supports raising teachers' salaries
  • Aging population: Slutzky is committed to improving services for seniors, and ensuring that the Hillsdale Extension plan is modified to protect the interest of the elderly communities located nearby
  • Open Government: Slutzky wants Board of Supervisor meetings televised on local TV
  • Water Resources: Slutzky does not support the James River Pipeline. He wants our water supply to come from our local watershed so that we have control of our water supply in the future

"I look forward to serving as the voice of the Rio District on the Board of Supervisors"

Please contact David Slutzky at (434) 975-6700, or" (electronic mail, June 8, 2005)

Comments? Questions? Write me at