Archives - Harry Tenney says Karl Rove Uses the 'Big Lie'
June 2005
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney says Karl Rove Uses the 'Big Lie'
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So Karl Rove thinks the liberals are the wimps and equivocators after the 9-11 tragedy;this coming from a gang that almost to an individual never served the nation in any capacity as warriors or, as far as I know, in anything remotely resembling organizations defending freedom or the Constitution.

I personally know of many "liberals" who returned from WWll and the Korean War, with their bodies mangled and maimed fighting as "equivocaters" for the likes of a deficient Machiavellian, Josef Goebbels admirer, named Herr Karl Rove.

And Bush defends this mutt!

All of this coming from an administration whose "leader" pledged to be a uniter, not a divider.

But, this is their stock in trade; turning a triple amputee Viet Nam veteran into something tantamount to a traitor, a thrice decorated war hero into a "liberal chump," a man who spent five and half of the best years of his life in a North Viet Nam prison-of-war camp into a crazed individual who fathered an illigitimate child with "a woman of color".

The Big Lie is their instrument of diversion for their failed policies;their disgusting lies and distortions. Rove has learned well from Goebbel's "playbook".

Personally, I am deeply disturbed that the likes of this White House that stinks to high heaven with hypocrisy and untruths continues to dish this garbage without much in the way of main stream media outrage!

Just think if one example of the Bush Gang had occured during the Clinton years: a gay male prostitute, operating with an alias, pretending to be a newsman, openly operating in the White House with the assigned task to ask the president softball questions at his news conferences. Guess at the outrage!

I watched Rumsfeld parsing away on "Meet The Press" this morning, promising that all is going to plan in Iraq (War is Hell) ... I wondered when he would deliver the latest excuse for this ongoing fiasco(read:Nightmare) ... so far nothing these monsters have propagandized for Bush's "Splendid Little Oedipal War" has panned out. Cheney's pronouncements in March of 2003, "we will be received as Liberators" has been proven to be a farce; Wolfowitz's estimate that 35, 000 troops would secure the peace is a gross distortion, Larry Lindsay losing his job because he had the gall to say the Iraq War could cost the treasury upwards of a 100 BILLION (now at 208 BILLION, and climbing). Bush telling the Reverand "right winger" Pat Robertson that "there will be no casualities in Iraq" was a cruel joke.

The American people seem to be "ahead of the curve" as Bush's approval ratings drop and they discover the Boy Emperor really is without clothes ... maybe the media will finally catch on.

Maybe, just maybe, Herr Rove's recent lunacy will convince the media that this house of cards AKA:the Bush Administration has finally reached the critical mass and should fall in disgrace and disgust.

Let's hope.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, June 27, 2005)

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