Archives - Al Weed Endorses Instant Run-off Voting
June 2005
Letters to the Editor: Al Weed Endorses Instant Run-off Voting
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Peter Kleeman raises an intriguing possibility: instant run-off elections for the school board. It is my understanding that localities can structure such elections (although Virginia's Dillon rule may require General Assembly approval) and Charlottesville would be a great place to test this concept.

We pay a lot of attention to counting everyone's vote, but too little attention to making sure that everyone's vote counts. Instant run-off voting would encourage wider political participation as people often get involved because of personal contact or interest in a single issue.

Look at David Toscano's political journey as a good example.

This voting method could do a lot to increase voter turnout wherever it is used, and this community would be doing democracy a favor in showing that it can work. It is for this reason that Public Policy Virginia has, as one of its key issues, instant run-off voting.

Al Weed (electronic mail, June 29, 2005)

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