Archives - Jan Cornell Urges Virginians to Speak Out
January 2005
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Urges Virginians to Speak Out
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Dear George-

I speak as a woman, a mother, an adoptee, a proud Democrat, and a citizen of Virginia.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????????????

Adding insult to injury, there are no fewer than 5 (FIVE)constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage. Further, HB1660 would create a special license plate for “supporters of traditional marriage.”

· Again this year there are several dangerous bills attempting to take away reproductive rights, including the right to use birth control. One of the most egregious is HB1918 which would extend the constitutionally guaranteed right to enjoyment of life to “preborn” human beings from the moment of fertilization. The upshot of this is that a united egg and sperm has constitutional rights even before it implants in the uterus. So, since life would legally begin at fertilization any non-barrier method of birth control would be a violation of a “preborn’s” constitutional rights. If this should become law, you should consider dumping your pharmaceutical stock and investing in a condom company.

· By now most of you have heard about Delegate John Cosgrove’s HB1677 which would have required women who miscarry without medical attendance to report the event to law enforcement within 12 hours or be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. After intense public pressure, Del. Cosgrove says he will withdraw the bill, but this bill reflects a negative attitude toward women which is shared by many of his colleagues. Clearly, some legislators don’t like or trust women. I’ve said it before -- there is a war against women going on here and too many Virginians are still unaware. I hope that HB1677 is the proof that people need to get activated.

· Another constitutional amendment to watch was introduced by Delegate Kathy Bryon. It’s HJ712 and provides that the God-given right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children is a fundamental right. While on the surface this sounds logical, I am afraid that this has all sorts of potentially dangerous ramifications. I will be watching it carefully.

· And, for some reason Delegate Bob Marshall is still concerned about executing pregnant inmates (HB1812).
(From Mitch VanYahres Report #1, January 14, 2005)

Are these guys OBSESSED with women? Our reproductive lives, our sex lives? Do they want to shove us back in to the 1950's? And the BIGGEST question is WHO ARE THEY MARRIED TO??

This legislature continues to shock and amaze me. I cannot believe I ended up in this state and that no one but Mr. VanYahres seems to be STANDING up and saying no.

This is getting scarey. Bad enough we have to put up with four more, now we have to battle the Repugs in our own state just for BASIC rights. I guess we can all hide under the covers or start speaking out. I'd say the time is NOW. We have 43 days.

Jan Cornell (electronic mail, January 14, 2004)

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