Archives - Joe Clancy Says, 'Republicans Are the Bigger Danger
February 2005
Letters to the Editor: Joe Clancy Says, 'Republicans Are the Bigger Danger
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Dear George,

With regard to whether legislation should be sponsored that screens potential adoptive parent for homosexuality, it seems a bigger danger that adoptive parents are Republicans, not homosexuals.

They favor violent war over adequate education, tax cuts for the wealthiest in our society over provision for the most neglected, and lies over truth.

Truly dangerous territory for young children.

Yesterday I was in the company of a classroom of young students about 8 years old. One of the boys hauled off and slugged another in the classroom repeatedly without provocation. After I broke up the fight I asked the instigator of the fight what the other student had done to provoke him. He replied, "Nothing yet, but he was going to and I wanted to take pre-emptive action."

If congressional action were taken in Virginia it would surely be to protect orphans from the kind of example that permits this clearly asocial behavior.


Joe Clancy (electronic mail, February 17, 2005)

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