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Dear George, Joseph Cheek's commentary on HB1981 (AKA the "Underwear Bill") is even more silly than the bill itself. He might want to pay attention to the legislative history, available here: http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?051+sum+HB1981. If he looks, Cheek will notice that the bill was introduced by a Democrat (Algie T. Howell, Jr., representing the 90th District), and killed by a Republican senate. I'm not sure how he creates a chain connecting Delegate Howell to President Bush, but he may want to check on what's in that Kool Aid that he's drinking. Thomas McCrystal (electronic mail, February 24, 2005) Editor's Note: As Thomas McCrystal knows, HB1981 was originally passed in the Republican controlled Virginia House by a vote of 60-Y to 34-N. Locally, Republican House members Abbitt and Landes voted for the bill while Republican House member Bell and Democratic House member Van Yahres voted against the bill. When it reached the Courts of Justice Committee in the Senate, the bill was passed by indefinitely by a vote of 14-Y to 0-N. It never went to the Senate floor. The patron of the bill was, as Thomas McCrystal says, Democratic Delegate Algie T. Howell, Jr. from Norfolk, Virginia. He can be reached at P.O. Box 12865, Norfolk, Virginia 23541, (757) 466-7525, where you can ask him personally what he was trying to accomplish with the bill. * * * * * * * Thomas McCrystal's Response to Editorial Note: "Thanks for fleshing out the legislative history; I'd assumed that providing a primary link was good enough. Reinforcing that the House DID pass HB1981 is a point well taken. Given that there were Democrats and Republicans on both sides of the full House vote, I suppose it's safe to say that foolishness is oftentimes a highly bipartisan thing... I'll note that the bill was front-page news on news.com.au, so I expect that I'll endure a measure of abuse the next time I see my teammates. In any case, after pondering the question some more, I'm still mystified as to how Joesph Cheek gets from Delegate Howell to President Bush. I just can't find a way to see the connection." Thomas McCrystal (electronic mail, February 24, 2005)