During the Clinton years,the "mantra" of the Republicans (especially
the Right Wing) was, "where is the outrage?".
Now we learn that an individual by the name of James Dale Guckert, alias:
Jeff Gannon, was acting as a shill for the Bush Administration. During news
conferences, lobbing marshmallow, biased questions (more often an editorial)
at Bush and his press secretary. He was called by his alias at the news
He supposedly worked for a news corporation known as Talon News ... not
only was it not a legitimate news organization, publishing nothing, it was
part of a Texas organization known as GOP USA. Fully funded by a group of
Texas Republicans. Basically,"JD" Guckert is a loser who never
held a steady job, little of his "resume' " is credible, although
he does own a 9mm Beretta hand gun.
He was unable to get a press pass for the Congress, but somehow, he was
given a pass with the name "Jeff Gannon" to the daily briefings
in the White House .... he has never received clearance from the Secret
Service nor the FBI.
He owes approximately $20,000.00 in delinquent taxes and penalties. He was
given selective "leaks" by the Bush Team so as to have this fraud
scoop legitimate news organizations on subjects like the Dan Rather/CBS
affair, the start of the war in Iraq (four hours before anyone else had
the news) and the Valerie Plame leaks! He made the outlandish statement
that John Kerry could be our first gay president!
If this sleazy character was not not a bad enough security risk based on
his dishonesty and questionable background, he also has another job, as
a male prostitute for wealthy homosexuals! He charges two hundred dollars
an hour or twelve hundred dollars for a weekend!
He has various web sites such as HotMilitaryStud.Com* and has pornographic
photos of himself in the sites.
So, folks, OUR White House, OUR executive branch has a gay male prostitute
operating with an alias and without a security clearance acting as a legitimate
reporter within earshot of the president!
I think it's fair to say, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE??
Harry Tenney (electronic mail, February 25, 2005)
* the website is no longer in operation. The URL is
for sale.