Archives - Military Recruiter Information Options Clarified for Families
December 2005
Albemarle County Schools: Military Recruiter Information Options Clarified for Families
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In June, we explained that high schools in the U.S. are required to provide 'directory information' about students to military recruiters--but families are to be offered the option to not have this information given out. At that time, the three Albemarle County high schools did not have a unified method for informing families of this option. And two of them did not make it clear that the military was one place the information was being sent.

After a review (which may have in part been prompted by our inquiries), the schools now have a fairly uniform letter of notification. Here's the relevant portion of the letter sent out by Monticello HS:

Albemarle County Public Schools
Opt Out Notification for Release of Student Information to Military Recruiters*

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As of ______, high school staff members are required by federal regulation to release the names, addresses, and phone listings of students enrolled in high school to military recruiters just as prospective employers and colleges/universities also can request access to this
information. The regulation also requires you be notified that you can choose to not have your child’s name, address, or phone listing released to military recruiters.

If you would like to exercise your right not to release this information to a military recruiter, please notify me in writing or return the form below and upon receipt, school staff will honor and comply with your request. The form should be returned to the school office by _________.


Please do not release my child’s name, _____________________, address, or telephone listing to military recruiters without my prior written permission. Thank you,

(parent signature)

Federal Regulation:

Section 9528 requires schools receiving Title I funds under the Act to give military recruiters access to schools and the names and address of secondary school students. A secondary school student or the parent of the student may request that the student’s name, address and telephone listing not be released without prior written parental consent and a local educational agency (i.e., school board) shall notify parents of the option to make a request and shall comply with any request. Each local educational agency receiving Title I funds is required to provide military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as is provided generally to post-secondary educational institutions or to prospective employers of those student”.
(The relevant regulation is Section 9528 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Public Law 107-110, signed into law on January 8, 2002 by President Bush)

For further information or questions, please contact Dr. Pam Moran, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction at 434-296-5820.

Betsy Toms. the Database Administrator for Monticello High, tells us, "We sent a notification letter home in our first day packets to all our students. Our enrollment the first week of school was 1149. We had 611 students who have taken the option to not have information released to the Military Recruiters."

Rachel Collier, Database Administrator at Albemarle, reports: "We have 1700 students--all students were sent the information giving them the option to opt out. 108 students did opt out of military contact."

We have also requested this information from Western Albemarle, and will incorporate it into this article when it is received.

Albemarle Schools' Communications Coordinator Christy Sinatra tells us that in addition to the letter, "the school division sends to each parent at the start of every school year a publication titled 'School Talk.' On page 5 of this year’s edition, a section starts on “Student Records Content and Access.” Among the information included in this section is a list of individuals/organizations the school division may disclose student record information to and it specifically lists military recruiters." (Dave Sagarin, December 16, 2005)

Note: Here are some recent articles we have posted on the topic: Parents Look Askance at Military Recruiting, Pentagon Creating Student Database, High Schools Report to Military Recruiters, Rift over Recruiting at Public High Schools.

Comments? Questions? Write me at