Archives - Mike Pudhorodsky Denounces Republican 'Foul' at Softball Game
August 2005
Letters to the Editor: Mike Pudhorodsky Denounces Republican 'Foul' at Softball Game
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Sunday, while volunteers from the Democratic Coordinated Campaign were posting "Kaine for Governor" signs at McIntire Park prior to the Region Ten "Republicans vs Democrats" Softball game, Phil Jackson, a member of the "Bolling for Lt. Governor" campaign, spoke to a Democratic volunteer and referred to him as a "faggot."

This derogatory reference to a member of the opposition party is unconscionable. Bill Bolling should renounce such expressions of intolerance and immediately fire Phil Jackson from his campaign.

Sunday's softball competition represented the highest ideals of bipartisanship in support of a worthwhile community non-profit. There was absolutely no call for such an insulting remark to have been part of the day's events. Candidate Bolling can either make excuses for such intolerant and offensive language among his campaign workers, or he can do what is right and fire the person responsible for this remark.

Bolling's response will tell us a lot about his character as well as his willingness to harbor prejudice among his campaign workers.

Mike Pudhorodsky (electronic mail, August 3, 2005)

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