Archives - Lloyd Snook Comments on Republicans' Use of Language
August 2005
Letters to the Editor: Lloyd Snook Comments on Republicans' Use of Language
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Paul Gaston's point about the use of the phrase "Democrat Party" touches on one of my pet peeves. Republicans have always referred to us as the "Democrat Party," and sometimes even the news media folks do so. I have more than once called WVIR to complain that a newscaster or reporter has succumbed to the Republican re-branding of the party whose official name is the Democratic Party. More than one newscaster or reporter has been unable to perceive the distinction, for reasons that have always baffled me. I think we just have to start referring to the other guys as the "Publican Party." It has more of a ring than the "Republic Party," and what the heck -- it's just two letters, isn't it?

Lloyd Snook (electronic mail, August 7, 2005)f

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