Archives - Will Lyster Asks That We Get Back to the Important Stories
August 2005
Letters to the Editor: Will Lyster Asks That We Get Back to the Important Stories
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First: This [Mike Pudhorodsky's email] should not even be a story. What happened to Judge Roberts’ child adoption scam? What happened to the Valerie Plame leak? Bush’s Lies? Abu Ghraib, Club Gitmo?

There appears to be no corroboration to the statement supposedly uttered by Phil Jackson. Mike Pudhorodsky claims that a Bolling volunteer called “him” (the volunteer or Tim Kaine?) a faggot. Who was the victim? Is the victim of the accusation complaining?

What would become of this story if it turned out Phil Jackson was a homosexual person? Can he not use the term in a non-derogatory way? What if Phil Jackson turned out to be a bundle of sticks???

Second: Jan Cornell states:

“But just because the Republicans SAY it didn't happen doesn't mean that it didn't. I'm sure it did.”

Well, my thoughts are:

“But just because the Democrats SAID it happened doesn't mean that it did. I'm sure it didn’t.”

Anyway, as is happening on your site – if enough people (Mike, Paul, Jan) start to say it’s so, it must be true. Even if it never happened, Democrats will continue the story based on the “seriousness of the allegation” – and it must be looked into!

Finally, based on no facts and solely on hearsay, there should be no reason for Randy Marcus to make an apology.

And, [Paul] – it is the Democrat Party. You may also be Democratic in your ways, but you are a Democrat – thus the Democrat Party. Would you rather be known as the Democratics?

Don’t sweat the petty stuff, Mike, Paul and Jan (and future Democrat contributors). Get back on the topics that are important to you:

  • Judge Roberts’ child adoption scam
  • Karl Rove and the Valerie Plame leak
  • Bush’s Lies are Killing GI’s
  • Abu Ghraib, Club Gitmo – Close ‘em Down!

Will Lyster (electronic mail, August 7, 2005)
Republican ...and you can call me faggot all day, I won’t care.

Comments? Questions? Write me at