Archives - Tyler Sewell Says Shopping Malls Can Limit Speech
August 2005
Letters to the Editor: Tyler Sewell Says Shopping Malls Can Limit Speech
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Sure there may be an issue here with regards to free speech but what is the threshold? If I was standing in front of Shopper’s World screaming about fags, niggers and jews, wouldn’t they throw me out?

But wait, I do have the right to free speech ... don’t I? If that is my political stance I better have the right to spout it. So… I guess it is a question of what is disruptive not a question of free speech? And disruptive behavior is a highly subjective thing and awfully hard to legislate. To me it is clearly disruptive to cuss or use prejudicial language, but now you want it to be my political prerogative to say these things at a shopping mall? Somebody will test this and they will be tossed off the property. You better be prepared to defend the KKK’s right to go to Shopper’s World.

I just don’t see a problem with a property owner saying this mall is a political free zone and I don’t see where this is limiting my right to free speech.

Tyler Sewell (electronic mail, August 25, 2005)

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