Would that William Faulkner was still around to describe Zell Miller's
deeply Snopesian
display of raw meanness and opportunism. As an Alabamian, I was shocked
and shamed by Miller's display of vituperative evil and embarrassed that
Karl Rove had gone South for the most depraved hit man he could find.
The Nixon - Atwater Southern Strategy erased the warmth in the soul of the
South and exacerbated all of the darkness within that Southerners of good
heart have been trying to get rid of for 300 years. Southern Republicans
are the most smugly self-satisfied proponents of ignorance and greed in
the entire GOP.
Back to the Tyler
Sewell phenomenon. Twinkie Tyler obviously equates being a Francophobe
with being a tough guy. I wonder if he has ever been to France? Hell, I
doesn't sound to me like the lad has even been to Memphis on a fast train.
- Hamlin A. Caldwell Jr. (electronic mail, September 4, 2004)