Archives - Ham Caldwell Asks , "Is Virgil a Populist or Corporationist?'
September 2004
Letters to the Editor: Ham Caldwell Asks , "Is Virgil a Populist or Corporationist?'
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Is Virgil Jr. a Populist or Corporationist?

Henry Howell was a great-hearted Virginia Democratic Populist. His motto was "Keep the Big Boys honest."

Virgil Good a standard Republican fat-cat Corporationist whose motto seems to be "Keep the Big Boys happy." Have you ever known a bank, HMO, insurance, energy, timber, mining or pharmaceutical company that Virgil Jr. didn't just love to pieces?

We deserve better than Goode. Vote for Al Weed, an energetic true Democrat.

- Hamlin A. Caldwell Jr. (electronic mail, September 17, 2004)

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