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George, Bush and his fantasy about Iraq and how much "progress" is being made, convinces me that he MUST be using hallucinogens.How can any leader see beheadings, car bombings, insurgents controlling vast areas of a nation, Americans getting killed and wounded daily at an escalating rate, even TRY to pretend that "all is well"! I saw "motor mouth" Condoleezza Rice this morning, as she tried to filibuster Matt Lauer, that in spite of the nightmare called Iraq, we are prevailing! She must be using the "peyote pipe" with her fearless leader. I can only draw a mental picture of Captain Smith of the Titanic radioing White Star Lines' headquarters, to inform them that, in spite of the ship's diving bow first, the crew(at his orders) have just about got all the deck chairs back in order."We are unsinkable because I said it from the beginning, so all will be well!." The distortions, outright lies and cover up of the facts by Bush and his flunkies can only be seen as venal. Anyone, not clear on the agenda of these neo-facists must be living in a bubble, , , maybe Bush hasn't (yet) written his version of 'Mien Kampf.' but he along with his fellow travelers have clearly indicated what their "wish list" will be for the next four years. Keeping the nation in fear as they go about their nefarious actions will be a page from Hitler's Third Reich. Americans should not be surprised at the ultimate outcome of this modern reign of terror, Bush is an incompetent nincompoop dangerously manipulated by a Utopian pack of true believers and he has neither the brains nor the will to resist their whispers in his ear, he likes what he is hearing. When he listened to the monstrous fraud, Ahmed Chalabi, on our nickel, I might add, he was convinced of the ease with which Iraq would fall and become a democracy overnight.CBS has been discredited for the means the message was received, although the message is apparently correct.Chalabi was the wrong messenger with a disastrously wrong message, but, it fit nicely into Bush and his minions mind set, so who cared about Chalabi's credibility. We see now, after a thousand plus American dead (smuggled back into their country in the dark of night, more like criminals than heroes), thousands upon thousands maimed and wounded, countless thousands of Iraqis dead, as many as a hundred thousand Iraqis wounded, a quarter of a TRILLION of our tax dollars squandered, Bush is saying, "Bring Em On!" "Full Speed Ahead!" It isn't good for America.