Archives - Harry Tenney Says Democrats Must Concentrate on Defeating Bush
September 2004
Letters to the Editor: Harry Tenney Says Democrats Must Concentrate on Defeating Bush
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I am not of the "sky is falling"mentality, goodness knows, Kerry is getting more advice and criticism from his "supporters" than Bush is from his. The debates will carry far more weight in this election than in any previously, and I feel John Kerry can excel and make Bush look like he was just told the nation is under attack with his "what me worry?"blankness.

Democrats must concentrate on defeating Bush, not venting their frustrations and anger on John Kerry for what is perceived as his weaknesses. John Kerry isn't the problem.

I do think the time has come to go straight for Bush's weaknesses (and there are many), his indecisiveness, taking seven minutes to react to the 9-11 attacks, his waffling and, to coin a phrase, "flip flopping"opposing the formation of the Homeland Security Department, then, taking credit for it, opposing the creation of the 9-11 Commission then stone walling the commission when they sought White House documents, opposing Condolleeza Rice testifying before the commission, then, under pressure,approving her appearance;the list is endless.

By his silence, allowing the extremists of his cabal to attack John McCain in the South Carolina primary, with ads depicting McCain as mentally unstable because he was a POW for 5 1/2 years, allowing that McCain fathered an illigitimate "child of color".

The same in Georgia, as they villified a triple amputee Viet Nam veteran named Senator Max Cleland, to be replaced by a man named Saxbe Chambliss who never served a day.

Attacking John Kerry by a group of "veterans" who, for the most part, were nowhere near Kerry in Viet Nam.

Every critic of the Bush Administration has come in for vitriolic attacks or,in the case of Ambassador Wilson, putting his wife, Valerie Plame, in life threatening danger.

Bush never spoke a word in opposition to these tactics.

I honor the presidency but I don't honor the current occupant of that office,he is dishonorable and has betrayed his oath!

John Kerry has much at his disposal.

Harry Tenney (electronic mail, September 23,2004)

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