Archives - Joan Schatzman Says Bush Deserves to Be Voted Back to Texas
September 2004
Letters to the Editor: Joan Schatzman Says Bush Deserves to Be Voted Back to Texas
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The United States was attacked by al-Qaida on Bush’s watch. It is documented that Bush didn’t pay attention to the threat from al-Qeada, though he was told about it as late as August 2001. On September 10, 2001, Ashcroft reduced the FBI’s counterterrorism budget. Bush invaded Afghanistan to get bin Ladin, but soon lost interest, and then lost bin Ladin. Bin Ladin has been able to regroup, recruit, and retaliate ever since.

Bush rushed into a preemptive war on Iraq, violating international law and changing established and effective American policy, setting a terrible precedent and alienating our long-trusted allies. The US invasion has roused widespread guerrilla attacks, sown the seeds of civil war, and created a terrorist breeding ground in that country that has grown beyond the bounds of al-Qaida. And growing areas of the country are now “no go” areas for coalition forces.

Our military is bogged down and slowly being picked off, 1000 and counting while Bush claims we are making progress. I want to know, progress on what, making his and Cheney’s defense contractor friends richer?

Since George Bush has been president, the $123 billion surplus -- the largest budget surplus and the largest pay-down of debt in history -- has turned into a $400 billion dollar deficit, a record, thanks to his tax cuts for the rich and his war of choice against Iraq. The national debt, half of which is held by foreigners, is at 7.3 trillion dollars. During the Clinton administration, 22 million new jobs were created. Under Bush, the net job loss in this country is 1.1 million, as of July 2004. Jobs are being drained away and sent overseas, with no plans to replace them here.

Four million people have been reduced to the condition of poverty, bringing the total to 44 million poor people in the richest country in the world. Seniors Medicare premiums have gone up 17%. “No Child Left Behind” is still underfunded. We are kept in a state of perpetual fear by vague reports of imminent terrorist attacks. Environmental laws which protect the commonwealth for the common good are being dismantled, while Bush’s corporate friends can make a personal profit.

And last but not least, our civil rights are being eroded by the USA PATRIOT Act, the Homeland Security Act, and widespread practices of secrecy and misreporting throughout the administration. Ashcroft’s arrest record: 5,000 “terrorists.” Ashcroft’s successful prosecutions of same: O. This November George Bush deserves to be voted back to Texas where he can study and learn something from his favorite philosopher, Jesus of Nazareth.

Joan Schatzman (electronic mail, September 28, 2004)

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