Archives - Jan Cornell Comments About Charter Protest
October 2004
Letters to the Editor: Jan Cornell Comments About Charter Protest
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Dear George:

The mission of SUUVA and GLU and SLWC was the get the issue of charter status out to the community, the faculty, and the students. I believe we have achieved that goal. I am very happy that the media has decided this is an important story and is an important issue within our community. I thank everyone that spoke.

HOWEVER. In every story I have read and on Channel 29 News, not one time was the union mentioned. It is difficult for me to believe that the media thinks a lose group of "folks" jumped up and decided to have a rally. This was a carefully planned protest. A lot of work went in to it by SUUVA, by GLU (Graduate Labor Union) and by the Students for a Living Wage Campaign. It was clearly spelled out on the press release who was sponsoring the rally. Sandy Gilliam of the BOV even tried to railroad our protest with some mix up and confusion about where we could protest. About whether we could use a microphone. But we prevailed and pulled off the rally quite successfully I think.

It is important for everyone to know that there are unions in town speaking up and giving voice to the staff and students at UVA. There is a voice now for graduate students and for those who do not earn a living wage. Let's give credit where credit is due.

There is much work still to be done in the months to come on this issue. We cannot and will not give up. We will not let UVA bully people in to thinking charter status is a GOOD thing. We will demand guarantees be written in to the bill language to protect current and future employees. We will talk to legislators and Governor Warner and Lt. Governor Kaine. We will have the combined strengths of the AFL-CIO and the Communications Workers of America behind us. We won't give up.

We will be heard throughout Virginia.

Jan Cornell (electronic mail, October 2, 2004)
Staff Union at the University of Virginia
Communications Workers of America

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