Archives - Martha Wood Comments on the Election Task Force Hearing
October 2004
Letters to the Editor: Martha Wood Comments on the Election Task Force Hearing
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We were among a representative group who attended the Task Force hearing at Johnson.

Contrary to the impression that few seemed to be interested in the issues, anyone who attended that hearing (and suffered through being an adult trying to sit in child-sized chairs) cared about the topic.

While not everyone spoke, some who did speak out seemed to use the hearing as a means of airing their pet peeves of not being in what they perceived to be the mainstream of 'power' in the political processes of the city. Fortunately, they were outnumbered by other speakers who made thoughtful and meaningful remarks and recommendations.

Given the timing of these hearings, being near the same time as other night meetings for citizens with children in school or on sports teams, when a cross section of ages and social groups makes the effort to come and listen and/or speak, that is a good thing. The session I attended was open and available for questions and remarks. Ample opportunity was given to speak and attendees were encouraged to write if they chose not to speak. I will look forward to seeing the report this group makes to City Council.

Martha Wood (electronic mail, October 10, 2004)

Comments? Questions? Write me at