Archives - Joe Clancy Envisions a Ray of Hope and Reality
October 2004
Letters to the Editor: Joe Clancy Envisions a Ray of Hope and Reality
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Dear George,

Thanks for the Mann article. His optimisms about Kerry's victory is encouraging for those of us who believe change is necessary in the country. But is pragmatism about the state of the country and the task Kerry will inheirit should he win is also well spoken.

If we are the reality based campaign, we must also accept the reality that the quagmiore we are in cannot be blamed on the "villainy" of GW once he is dethroned..It's not the World Series, the Super Bowl or March Madness. It's the way we live our lives.

Even if we achieve the Presidency, the work has only just begun. Mann's article serves as a reminder that building a network and a sense of American community that is world serving rather than world dominating is a task we have only begun to scratch its complex surface. The need for a change in attitudes of all kinds will be great.

But first things first. Let's begin to change rather than purchase more coffin nails.


Joe Clancy (electronic mail, October 26, 2004)

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