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George: For Conservatives and Republicans, politically the deck has been stacked against us. The Democrats are propagating lies about Republicans with stories about how we are going to keep minority voters from voting, how we are going to reinstate the draft, starve little children, make the elderly eat dog food, how close to Nazis we are and on and on. There are many hurdles we have to jump while the Democrats get to ride the course in a golf cart. This is only one example of one county in the United States, but in Ohio, the Franklin County Board of Elections officials counted more than 817,000 registered voters on October 1st with forms still coming in daily at a rate of 8,000 per day up until the cut-off date on October 4th. The U.S. Census count for 2003 has county residents over the age of 18 at a population of 815,000. I am surprised that even with the deck stacked this way that we have won an election recently. And yes, I am saying that it is the Democrats committing voter fraud by registering names illegally. They are not the ones in power and have every reason to do what ever it takes to win. Ill accept that some of these names simply have not been purged due to lack of voting in recent elections or the people have moved and not been updated on the voter rolls, but the numbers still dont add up. I used to think the Democrat Party was the party of acceptance and open arms, big tent and all that. I have never in my life seen more violent and angry people willing to destroy the greatest country on earth their country, my country, your country through the malfeasance that they have presented in our elections. If we have to elect John Kerry President in order to get the Democrats back to a life of civility, I am willing to give him my vote. If John Kerry is elected President legally and not by 830,000 Franklin County voters that dont exist, I accept that the will of the people has been heard and will go on with my life in America. I will support John Kerry as my President, unlike you people have done with President Bush and the U.S. for the past fours years hatefully, I might add. Let's take Charles Brookers article from The Guardian (UK) as an example. His story ends in the words, "John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?". Over the past four years, you Democrats have manifested this numbness to American life and dignity throughout the world. Globally, it wont matter if Kerry or Bush wins you have created a monster of such hate in this world that I only hope we can destroy it by making John Kerry President of the United States. As much as I want George Bush to win, Id have John Kerry any day just to rid ourselves of this hatred that you are spreading. Is this what you want your children learning? Of course it is, because they already are grasping at the hatred you have passed on to them. My wife, Jenn is a Sunday school teacher and her students get off topic often and lambaste her for being a Republican. They don't even know what is really going on in American politics - they just mindlessly repeat what their parents say to or in front of them. These kids are only 13! They will probably never have any compassion for others later in life. Democrats have been angry ever since the 2000 election which George W. Bush won not stole. He was not appointed, annointed or selected and black Floridians were not disenfranchised. President Bush was elected. Nonetheless, everyone has had four years to register themselves to vote and find out where they need to go to vote. Hopefully after four years, people will not end up at the wrong precincts. There is a media bias and it is working harder and more openly than ever to get President Bush out of office. It is the job of the media to question and report the news not make up, distort, or lean strongly one way or the other. The media has yet to really ask John Kerry any question about his past. Nothing like the style of question they would ask George Bush. No news organization has asked Kerry about his own war atrocities, about his abysmal 20 year record in the U.S. Senate, nor have they even brought up any of his flibs, flabs, flubs or lies. Yes, thats right lies. As I have said before, its okay when a Democrat lies, but by God Almighty, if a Republican lies, thats the end of it! Maybe its because we have a higher standard to live up to than you Democrats do. Most recently when the New York Times reported about the 380 tons of HMX and RDX explosives missing from Al Qaqaa, Iraq they, like CBS and the National Guard Memos were so eager to get that news out without telling the entire story. They conveniently left out the part that this stuff was missing before our troops got to Baghdad. This is according to NBC reporters embedded with the 101st Airborne troops that arrived at the weapons depot April 10th of 2003. This, and the CBS Memo issue, shows too closely a coordinated effort between the Kerry campaign and at least those two news organizations. Jeff Fager, executive producer of the CBS Sunday edition of 60 Minutes, said that our plan was to run the story on October 31, but it became clear that it wouldn't hold.... A reporter for the L.A. Times, Elizabeth Jensen, commented on how CBS NEWS and 60 Minutes lost the story, which repackaged out-of-date, previously- reported information on a large stockpile of explosives missing in Iraq (first reported and broadcast in 2003). Instead, the New York Times headlined the story about missing explosives from April 2003 as Exclusive This was not exclusive this was old news meant to beat CBS to the punch and get a jab in on President Bush. Unfortunately, I dont think this is our October Surprise, yet I am sure the media/democrats will truly do something distasteful in order to elect John Kerry. Since 2000, Democrats have cried out to dump the electoral college and demand the popular vote. Will they feel the same if the tables are turned this year? even with all of their phony registered voters that live on lots that dont exist? The popular vote was cool four years ago and everyone hated the Electoral College because their candidate lost the election. Will the Electoral College be cool this year if it helps John Kerry win? Will we as Conservative Republicans lose this election simply by playing clean politics? I hope not, but if Kerry wins, we can still stand solid knowing that we did not try to destroy the American Electoral process they way Democrats have done and are about to do on November 3rd. Will Lyster (electronic mail, October 26, 2004)