Archives - Terri Di Cintio Reflects on Elections in 2008
November 2004
Letters to the Editor: Terri Di Cintio Reflects on Elections in 2008
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I would certainly be ready and willing to support Mark Warner as a Presidential candidate and he does fit the winning mold. It is too bad he does not have the charisma of John Edwards. I do wonder if, Bill Richardson, the hispanic governor of New Mexico would be an even better choice than our own Governor?

Terri Di Cintio (electronic mail, November 8, 2004)

Editor's Note: "Thomas J. Lehner, director of policy for the influential Business Roundtable, said [recently that Mark] Warner is among the 'new faces' who could lead a Democratic comeback at the presidential level. 'When you look at the last three Democratic presidents - Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton - they were all Southerners. And Mark is in that mold: Pro-death penalty, fiscal conservative, low tax, NASCAR, pro-gun ownership - the whole nine yards. In America in 2004, that's the kind of Democrat who's needed to win the red states,' said Lehner, who served as Sen. Charles S. Robb, D-McLean, chief of staff. Stephen J. Farnsworth, political scientist at the University of Mary Washington, said Warner's name likely would be on 'a long list' of potential Democratic candidates in 2008" (The Daily Progress, November 5, 2004)

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