Archives - Will Lyster Threatens to Run for DNC Chair
November 2004
Letters to the Editor: Will Lyster Threatens to Run for DNC Chair
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I was happy to read that Howard Dean has considered a bid to become chairman of the national Democrat Party. Although he may be a bit radical for some elements of the Democrat Party – he sure is radical enough to me (as a conservative), he may be able to at least get the Democrat Party on a straight track – preferably one that runs in the opposite direction of the Republican Party. It is difficult for many Americans to decide upon a party or candidate when at times each party’s engine runs alongside each other. As CBS reports:

“Dean has been outspoken since the beginning of his presidential bid in saying that the Democratic Party must establish a separate and unique identity from Republicans.” (WCBS-TV New York, November 8, 2004)

Why Terry McAuliffe has lasted through as many losses as he has is beyond me. Donald Trump would have fired him right after Gore/Lieberman 2000.

If I can paraphrase someone most of your readers find so vile, President Nixon once said, “Don't hate them. Don't hate your enemies, you'll become them. They win if you do that.” Whatever your opinion of Richard Nixon, that statement is right on the money and the key to winning.

Terry McAuliffe apparently never took the advice of Richard Nixon’s comment and thus has lost two elections through his hatred of Republicans. This hatred spread directly from his office to the grassrooters and beyond our borders. If the Democrat Party wants another Bill Clinton – who never seemed to have a hateful bone in his body, they need a new chairman. Too bad Joe Lieberman already has a job…

Other contenders in the process of finding a chairman are Harold Ickes, Donna Brazile and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack. With each of these candidates in mind, I still find that Howard Dean is up for the job. I cannot agree with one thing he stands for, but at least he feels passionately for his philosophies and sticks to them unlike a recent Democrat Presidential candidate.

I can only hope that your party will find a new chairman that can fill light-hearted compassionate shoes similar to those of Bill Clinton, Joe Lieberman, You and other “Men of the People” – otherwise I may have to throw my hat in the ring. I’ll get Newt onboard with me and then your party will really be screwed!

Will Lyster (electronic mail, November 8, 2004)

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