Archives - Blake Caravati Comments on Levity in Politics
March 2004
Letters to the Editor: Blake Caravati Comments on Levity in Politics
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I enjoyed your references to comedy in politics. Speaking as the resident and only jokester on Council, I have an appreciation for levity from time to time as we deliberate the very serious issues that face us.

For me the fallibilities of the human condition are often hilarious and to acknowledge that makes all of us realize that we are humans and have real connections despite our deeply held beliefs on any particular issue. I do have a problem though--my witticisms are often not funny and many I am sure feel they are foolish.

But I am indefatigble and will continue.

My guiding principles have recently changed from "Politics makes strange bedfellows" and the use of good old Richmond sarcasm to the more profound Napoleonic truism "In politics, an absurdity is never an obstacle."

Again, I need help. Anybody out there know any clean jokes about local politics? I am working on one - A rabbi, a priest, and a swami are discussing the western bypass and the priest says ....

All the best, Blake (electronic mail, March 10, 2004)

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