Archives - Paul Goldman Warns Against Falling Into Political Trap
June 2004
Letters to the Editor: Paul Goldman Warns Against Falling Into Political Trap
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Democrats fall into a political trap by writing things comparing Bush to Hitler, even when the context makes it clear this is literary device in an attempt to make a real point.

Those lines will only be taken out of context and moreover, since they often are written to read as if they are to be taken seriously, they are doubly useful to the GOP.

Unless you are a brilliant stand-up comedian, any such comparison's are a terrible political mistake no matter the intention or the context.

Bush is not Hitler: he is instead the new John Quincy Adams. Like father, like son,
one term, and he is done.

Remember: Even Senator Kerry voted to go to War in Iraq.

The Senator is running on a platform of Right War, Wrong Strategy, as best I can tell.

Our soldiers have fought bravely, but they and the country have been let down by
a combination of arrogance and ignorance in the White House.

Keep Hitler and those kinds of things out of the debate at all costs.

John Kerry is a good man, who will be a President we all can be proud of.

Don't fall into the trap being set for you by the GOP.

Yes, it is a double standard in this regard. But what else is knew?

Don't play their game, for this is what they want.

Paul Goldman (electronic mail, June 29, 2004)

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