[L-R] Satyendra Huja and Maurice Cox,
Charlottesville, Virginia, June 30, 2004
Satyendra Huja and Maurice perform their last official act by honoring
Inge's Grocery on the corner of West Main St. and 4th Street NW. Satyendra
Huja 's retiring from
his work with the city and Maurice Cox is taking a temporary leave of
absence from active political life as Mayor and City Councilor.
[L-R] Leah Puryear, Ruby Stradford Boston, Tom
Inge, Ray Carey, Lillian Inge, Beverly Adams, and Lorraine Jordan (Kneeling),
Charlottesville, Virginia, June 30, 2004
"The corner of West Main St. and 4th Street NW has a new historical
marker. The Historic Resources Task Force has honored Inge's
Grocery, which was founded in 1891 by George P. Inge. Inge was also
active in social, civic, religious and educational affairs. Inge's Grocery
served the University of Virginia, local hotels and the Vinegar Hill area
until it closed in 1979. Inge housed many African-Americans when local hotels
would not serve blacks during segregation. Among those who stayed there
was a classmate of Inge at Hampton Institute, Booker T. Washington."
(WINA, June 30, 2004)