Archives - Charlie Gleason Comments on Extraterrestial Politics
July 2004
Letters to the Editor: Charlie Gleason Comments on Extraterrestial Politics
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It is possible that there are some outer space numbskulls that would be involved in the Iraq war but highly unlikely. But there are bound to be some problems caused by all of our meddling with outer space. For example, interplanetary marriage. Sure enough, one of those astronauts is going to return to earth with an extraterrestrial mate and want to be married. And sure enough there will be states that will allow it, and before you know it they will produce offspring who will someday want to marry one of our people.

I tell you, George, "We've got trouble, and that starts with T and that rhymes with E and that stands for extraterrestial."

Charlie Gleason (electronic mail, July 6, 2004)

ps: My apologies to Meredith Wilson and the people of River City.

pps: Three Cheers for the states that would allow it. That's what America is all about!!!!!

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