Archives - Jackson Landers Comments on the Bush Administration and on Credibility of Terror
July 2004
Letters to the Editor: Jackson Landers Comments on the Bush Administration and on Credibility of Terror
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About an hour ago Tom Ridge, Bush's Secretary of Homeland Security, announced a new terror alert warning all Americans of an impending large-scale attack. Looking around on line, I am seeing the the New York Times is not covering it at all. The Washington Post gives it a mention as minor story and it shows up on Google News' rankings of the most read news items way down at the bottom of the page. Just below a review of the new 'King Arthur' movie.

To me, this stand as clear proof that the Bush administration has lost all credibility on terror. They have cried wolf for apparently political reasons so many times that we do not even hear them now. George W. Bush is no longer capable of rallying the American people against an impending threat, should one actually appear. On that basis alone he must go.

When each of us goes out among our friends, coworkers and neighbors to talk about the upcoming election and why we feel that John Kerry is the right man for the time, we need to remember this. No more tiptoeing around the 'homeland security' issue. This is high ground that the President has already lost at grave risk to our national security.

- Jackson Landers (electronic mail, July 8, 2004)

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