Archives - Martha Wood Comments on Using the Church to Get Elected
July 2004
Letters to the Editor: Martha Wood Comments on Using the Church to Get Elected
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The move by the Bush-Cheney campaign to use the churches for political purposes and even worse, the churches allowing themselves to be so used, is another action by this so-called administration to breach the wall of separation of church and state. This is only the surface indication of a much deeper problem, that being a total disregard for the Constitution which they are sworn to defend and protect, in order to win votes from those who would have the United States become a theocracy.

Obviously, this group does not care about 'one nation...indivisible...with liberty and justice for ALL'. No matter how much lip service they give to the Pledge of Allegiance, their actions deny the very principle of the Pledge.

Let us hope that no church in this area send its church directory to this gang. They will reveal their true agenda if they win in Nov. but not before.

Martha Wood (electronic mail, July 9, 2004)

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