Archives - Leslie Byrne Comments on Issues About Aging
July 2004
Letters to the Editor: Leslie Byrne Comments on Issues About Aging
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Dear George,

It was great to see you at the breakfast in Charlottesville. I think all of us will be watching the convention for the Kerry/Edwards ticket to set out their vision for America.

Which brings me back to Saturday's breakfast concerning the issues facing our aging population (in other words, all of us). It was pointed out that the baby boom generation is the first generation in the US where boomers have more parents than children. This single fact struck many of us with startling clarity. Many women like myself see ourselves not as "Boomers" but as the "sandwich generation." These are the folks who are entrusted not only with the well-being of children but those of us who are taking more of the responsibility for the well-being of aging parents.

Finding suitable health care, safe and accessible long term care for the infirm who can no longer be at home, more home care for those who are able to be at home, affordable prescription drugs and transportation, not only effect seniors but those who care for them. These issues, that effect millions either directly or indirectly, are worthy of a national debate between Kerry and Bush. It is also worthy of debate in Virginia in 2005.

I look forward to many other opportunities in Charlottesville/Abermarle to listen and learn about the issues that are important to our families.

Regards, Leslie Byrne (Electronic mail, July 19, 2004)

L.B. for L.G.
PO Box 2612
Falls Church, VA 22042

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