Archives - Rich Collins Comments About Why He Is Not Running for City Council
January 2004
Letters to the Editor: Rich Collins Comments About Why He Is Not Running for City Council
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Hi George,

You asked your sources to tell you why they will not be candidates for City Council. I don't know how many replies you received, but that question is one I've asked myself sometimes.

My short answer is that I don't have any "fire in the belly" for public office, just a "bug up my ..." when key, key, decisions are headed south.

The Parkway is such an issue. And if I were to run, and if I were to win, I'd spend a lot of evenings on the telephone with guys and gals just like me who have a "bug" on some other issue and who deserve a hearing from Council members.

That's duty to listen and understand is a tough job, and if you don't have the "fire in the belly" for holding office or seeking higher office, then it can consume your life.

But problems can arise when those who do have "fire in the belly" get caught up in feeding the fire, rather than banking it.

Rich Collins (electronic mail, January 14, 2004)

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