Archives - Pro-choice Lobby Day
January 2004
Virginia General Assembly: Pro-choice Lobby Day
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"In Richmond, one of the country's most divisive issues took center stage Wednesday. Virginians for and against abortion faced off on Capitol Square. It has become an annual event. In recent years the Virginia Pro-Choice Alliance has held a Pro-Choice Lobby Day at the General Assembly but some made sure this lobby day wasn’t one sided.

Capitol square became a makeshift abortion battleground Wednesday. In a rather peaceful display, ralliers used 9th street in downtown Richmond as the dividing line between themselves and their causes. Those against abortion say they knew it was Pro-Choice Lobby Day, that's why they came out to send their message. Mark Goodell of the Christian Coalition of Virginia stated, “Most people in Virginia do not believe in abortion. They don't believe in spending tax money on abortion”.

Katherine Waddell of the GOP Pro-Choice Coalition stated, “Well, but you know, a majority of virginians are pro-choice”. That's why dozens with the pro-choice alliance are asking lawmakers to help women keep that choice. Katherine Waddell stated, “We support women's reproductive rights, and we think that is a very personal decision that should be made between a woman and her doctor”.

Want to prevent abortions and unintended pregnancies: Support Emergency Contraception

Inside the capitol, meanwhile, students from Virginia’s public universities fought to keep emergency contraception available on campuses across the commonwealth.

Minutes after the news conference, the House of Delegates passed a bill requiring abortion clinics to operate under higher medical standards. Supporters say the bill ensures safer abortions. Others say the high standards are too costly for most abortion clinics, which may have to shutdown. In fact, the newly-created caucus for reproductive rights says 18 of the 19 abortion clinics in Virginia wouldn't meet the tougher standards." (George Lettis, NBC 29 News, January 28, 2004)

Editor's Note: The pictures above were taken by George Loper and have been added into the report on the WVIR news site.

Approximately 200 people were in Richmond for Pro-choice Lobby Day, despite travel problems that kept some people away. The press conference in House Room 5 of the Capitol was organized by Holly Hatcher, the new Statewide Organizer for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia. Six Students from four universities (Medical Students for Choice at MCV, VCU, UVA, JMU, VA Tech) spoke eloquently about the response of the students at their schools to the threats to their access to emergency contraception in particular.

In total, Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge had 79 people attend Pro-Choice Lobby Day from the Roanoke, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Harrisonburg and New River Valley areas. Approximately half of those attending were students. They had two buses with 72 riders.

"Despite the weather, we had more supporters attending Pro-Choice Lobby Day this year than in any year since 1992. Their energy and enthusiasm was palpable, even among those who climbed on buses as early as 5:00am. Yet, despite our mass lobbying effort, the majority of House members still voted that day to pass a bill that would close most clinics. We will need even more people for Lobby Day next year if we are to keep legislators from restricting contraception and abortion." (David Nova, electronic mail, January 29, 2004)

Marshall's House Bill 116, requiring licensure of abortion clinics, passed by a vote of 69 yeas to 28 nays, with Republicans Abbitt, Bell, Janis, and Landes voting yea and Democrat Van Yahres voting nay.

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