Archives - Tyler Sewell Responds to Joe Clancy
February 2004
Letters to the Editor: Tyler Sewell Responds to Joe Clancy
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I never wrote the following that was assigned [by Joe Clancy] to my name: "Tyler: They believe the only nuclear weapon we truly possess is compassion. The ability to truly care for and support the growth and healing of other countries."

When I said Democrats "are polite folks who believe that government can teach meaningful values." I swear on my Mother's name that I did not mean it in a smug way. I was actually serious. I think Republicans are the same. I think we simply choose different solutions. This is why I admitted that many Republicans think preemptive action is correct, knowing most Democrats categorically disagree. I was trying to be honest with my entire message.

I think in light of our current war on terror the "terrorist" comment with regards to abortion is an embarrassment and abhorrent. You'll notice I never wrote about overturning Roe v Wade, just that Planned Parenthood focuses a little too solely on abortion as their solution. Are you saying that people who defend abstinence and adoption in lieu of abortion are terrorists? And I do not support people who blow up clinics so don't even insinuate it. That is insulting.

The Christian right is actually far less organized than you know. This will not change your mind but it is true.

Joe wrote: "There is a difference between being embarrassed by wealth and being aware of disparity and inequity." So you actually believe Republicans are not aware of disparity? Please answer? I served on the Social Services Board here in the city my friend. I realize the benefits of Welfare Reform because I saw it with my own eyes. I understand that we have a disproportionate of number unwed black mothers on welfare because they are too busy to work, taking care of their children. Do not insult me or people who think like me by insinuating we do not care. These women want to work. They have pride. They do not just want to take government hand outs. In fact, I proposed a day care solution that involved some of these very women running a day care center and was personally mocked for the idea by a sitting City Councilor. I believe Virginia D. called it half way day care." So tell me ... women on welfare taking care of their own kids and others who's moms are working is half way day care? I think not. I think it is employment and a way out of poverty.

Joe I do not know you at all and you have never met me, so I'll give you a little wiggle room on this one but you wrote.. "As for preemptive strikes, they (Democrats) surely recognize that police should not be allowed to hit citizens over the head with a Billy club because they LOOK like they might commit a crime. Innocent until proven guilty. Fundamental tenet of our democracy. You can not be serious in thinking that Republicans tell police to beat citizens over the head because they look like they might commit a crime. Come on my friend do not try to inflame, try to persuade.

Joe wrote: "Treating government as the undeserving wife who should mop and clean floors while the responsible husband faces the nasty reality of the world." Again I was not trying to inflame just simply present an argument. This is inflammatory.

Joe wrote: "Another man's opinion: Bush, and Cheney knew about 9/11 before it happened. Watching this all unfold in front of the public is like watching a re-run of Columbo - the guy who is the prime beneficiary of the crime is person whose motive is strongest. Mr. Bush and his associated have clearly benefited more than they could have ever dreamed."

Uhhmmm you think Bush let 3000 people dye for political a financial gain? Honestly you are so consumed with hatred for Bush that you have gone off the deep end. It's okay to oppose a political party and to oppose the actions of a President with whom you disagree, but to basically accuses the president of genocide shows your true intellect.

Joe, you are an angry bitter man. I am sorry.

Tyler Sewell (February 2, 2004)

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